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Tenterfield Railway Station Museum

Town: Tenterfield

Address: 21 Railway Avenue, Tenterfield, 2372, NSW

Galleries Museums and Collections

The Tenterfield Railway Station was opened on 1 September 1886 by Lord Carrington, Governor of NSW, and officially named The Great Northern Terminus.

On 16 January 1888, the line was extended to Wallangarra in QLD, connecting Sydney to Brisbane by rail. It was described as one of the most extensive and handsome buildings on the northern line.

The last scheduled passenger train departed Tenterfield on the 25th of November, 1988, and the station closed the following year. Following its closure, the building and its contents remained intact and remained as they were during the last century.

The custodian of the museum is the Tenterfield Railway Station Preservation Society Inc. – a group of volunteers dedicated to the conservation of rail heritage for future generations.

All funds raised are used to maintain and improve the museum.

A market is held in the railway station car park on the first Saturday of February, April, June, August, October and December.



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