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National Parks and Adventure Drive

90KM Monto | Cania Gorge – Kroombit Tops

For the 4WD enthusiast, this drive offers a voyage of discovery and adventure.

Monto- Cania Gorge – Kroombit Tops

90 KM

For the 4WD enthusiast, the district around Monto offers a voyage of discovery and adventure. Link two National Parks – the rugged red sandstone cliffs of Cania Gorge National Park, through the wilderness country ranges of Mahoon Creek to the lofty heights of the escarpment at Kroombit Tops National Park, provide an adventure of a lifetime. Here the unspoiled beauty of open rainforest overwhelms the visitor. The Liberator bomber “Beautiful Betsy” crashed here during the Second World War and stayed hidden for nearly 50 years. Explore scenic dirt roads, climb steep slopes and splash through surprising gullies.