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Wessex Dynasty Peace Garden

Town: Glen Innes

Address: 68 Meade Street, Glen Innes, 2370, NSW

Parks and Gardens

The Wessex Dynasty Peace Garden is inspired by the magnificent Japanese Botanical Gardens of Kyoto Japan. Graced by ten tall pine trees, and a ‘forest’, this garden is designed to represent the islands and sea of Japan. Situated in a cool climate of four distinct seasons, this niche garden is starting to mature beautifully.

After three years of fresh plant growth, the pristine white quartz pebbles are raked into calm patterns of the sea, swirls and circles. It is surrounded by Japanese floral plants, camellias, azaleas, bamboo, conifers, maples, and cherry blossoms.

With lush emerald green grassy areas, the white quartz garden is seven square metres in size with the remaining garden area 20 x 20m in size. Birdlife regularly visits the tall pines.

Open to private visitors exclusively on the four solstices and equinoxes annually. During winter the Peace Garden white quartz pebbles have been doubled in size which gives the garden a greater impression of peace with the crystalline energy of the quartz resonating silently in peacefulness.




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