To celebrate Wandoan’s rich history and the significant contribution of the 103 families who came to Wandoan through the Soldier Settler Scheme, the Avenue of Honour was created.
Soldier Settlers was the name given to honourably discharged soldiers who were selected in a ballot between 1952 and 1954 to settle in Wandoan and given land to establish working farms. In total, 103 families settled in Wandoan after being granted blocks of land in the scheme. The Wandoan Soldier Settler Scheme of the 1950s was integral to the development of the Wandoan community, helping to shape its success as an agricultural centre and close-knit community.
The ‘Avenue of Honour‘ lines the pathway within O’Sullivan Park and features over 100 individual plaques commemorating each soldier settler family. Beautiful rose bushes add a lovely touch to the Avenue.
The installation also includes fabulous steel entrances at either end of the park to boost its prominence as well as some new gardens and information boards telling the story of the Soldier Settler Scheme and its history in the town.