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Bedford Weir

Town: Blackwater

Address: 664 Capricorn Highway, Blackwater, 4717, QLD

Landmarks and Buildings

The Bedford Weir is a man-made impoundment on the Mackenzie River, situated 25 kilometres north of Blackwater. The area is suitable for overnight stays and water, toilets and showers are available free of charge. Wood-fired barbecues and a children’s playground are set in shaded areas by the river, making it an ideal picnic spot.

The area is a popular destination for boating, skiing and fishing and has been stocked with sports fish, including Saratoga, Barramundi and Yellowbelly. Native only to the Fitzroy Basin, there is nowhere else in the world that can offer the prospect of catching a wild Southers Saratoga.

For those wanting a truly unique freshwater fishing experience, the Saratoga is a highly intelligent and aggressive sportfish, also known as the Emperor of fish.

The peace and tranquillity of the Bedford Weir encourages a wide range of wildlife. Keep an eye out for wallabies, potoroos, echidnas, bandicoots and the large pride of peacocks.



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