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Fossilised Forrest Sculptures

Town: Alpha

Address: Sharkespeare St, Alpha, 4724, QLD

Galleries Museums and Collections, Landmarks and Buildings

Created by Antone Bruinsma, the Fossilised Forest sculptures in Alpha celebrate the area’s rich collection of fossilised wood. These sculptures reflect the ancient and mysterious nature of the region’s prehistoric past, offering a glimpse into the life that once thrived here. Located in Shakespeare Street beside the picnic area, it’s an inviting spot to stop, relax, and appreciate art.

Bruinsma describes the installation as representing a boulder that has been opened to reveal its hidden treasures—a fossilised tree. The artwork’s contrasting rough exterior and the revealed inner beauty mirror the community’s character. The central “tree trunk” of petrified wood symbolizes the essence that binds a community, radiating out to three larger elements that form a family-like grouping. The vertical pieces stand as guardians, welcoming visitors, while the horizontal piece provides a place to rest and reflect.

The carved tree forms on the stones symbolize the ancient flora and fauna, leaving an impression that evokes wonder about life in the past. The use of black granite hints at transformation, connecting past to present, while the pink zeolite at the heart represents purification and mineral wealth.

Antone Bruinsma’s Fossilised Forest of Alpha sculpture is a tribute to the land’s continuity, telling a story that links the past, present, and future.



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