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Beta Hut and Railway Memorabilia

Town: Alpha

Address: 43 Shakespeare Street, Alpha, 4724, QLD

Galleries Museums and Collections

Opened on Monday 12 January 1885, Beta acted as a terminus for just five months. During Beta’s short life, Tom McLaughlin manned a boisterous pub and Cobb & Co received coach passengers from a tent. By June 1885 only the Railway Station and the navvies hut remained. Beta was unique for two reasons. Firstly, its experimental water tank and secondly, it was the first main line place in Queensland where trains could pass each other without any staff in attendance.

Beta was situated in a small town and railway settlement about 30 kilometres west of Alpha, between Alpha and Jericho. Take the time to explore memorabilia and read about Anzac Day, the War and the Railway including the 1960 train crash at Medway Creek and the 1941 train crash that occurred at Alpha Creek.



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