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Big Plane in Moree

Town: Moree

Address: Amaroo Tavern, Moree, 2400, NSW

Entertainment Venues, Historical Sites and Heritage Locations

The Big Plane in Moree originated in 1975 when the Australian Government converted an A65-67 to a Civilian DC3 and on October 10, 1975, handed her over to the Papua New Guinea Defence Force, in the name of Foreign Aid, where she was given the Aircraft No P2-003 with the call sign “Defence Force 3”.

The Plane gave approximately 5,000 hours of service to Papua New Guinea until she was pensioned off in 1992, when the port engine developed a massive oil leak and had to be shut down in flight by the pilot, who landed safely at Port Moresby.

This DC3 was bought by tender from the Papua New Guinea Defence Force in 1993. The Aircraft was then flown to Moree and towed to the Amaroo Tavern, before officially opening as a tourist attraction in April 1994.

Please note: The Big Plane is a part of the newly renovated Amaroo Tavern and is only accessible through the Amaroo Tavern. It is open during the operation hours of the Amaroo Tavern.



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